Jan Rybak’s Rescue Missions

Jan Rybak’s Rescue Missions

Stories of Rescued Animals
Each of these little dogs has survived thanks to unimaginable strength of spirit and the exceptional compassion of people like Jan Rybak and other supportive souls who pour their hearts into the mission of rescue. Their stories serve as a reminder that every life, regardless of its beginnings, deserves a chance at love and happiness.

The “Basia and I” Foundation, thanks to the commitment of Jan Rybak and people with big hearts, continues its mission – changing the fate of forgotten, wounded, and needy animals, convincing us that every abandoned soul can find a home filled with love.


Homeless Ricki, whose life unfolded in the fields, found his guardian angel in Alexandra from Wroclaw. This extraordinary woman, seeing his need, did not hesitate to offer help. With love and perseverance, she significantly changed the fate of this lost soul, giving him a chance for a new home where he felt safety and peace for the first time.


Pinni, raised in the shadow of neglect, experienced the tenderness of a real home thanks to Małgosia. Once surviving on scraps, he is now learning that love and care are the true nourishment for the soul. His transformation from an undernourished puppy to a joyful dog is a testament to the fact that no situation is without hope.


The tragic fate of Śrutek, who was cruelly shot by men for whom alcohol was more important than compassion, was transformed by the brave intervention of a lady from Warsaw. Thanks to her courageous heart, Śrutek not only survived but found a place where his wounds could heal and his heart could learn to trust again.


Jessy, whose life in the fields of France seemed to be an endless struggle for survival, was saved thanks to the steadfastness of Jan Rybak, the founder of our Foundation. After six months of daily journeys, a dramatic rescue operation on a frozen lake, and a struggle that pulled them both from the icy waters, Jessy regained his strength and health. Now, he shares not only a home with Jan but also a bed, becoming a symbol of hope that every life is precious.


When Jan Rybak, the founder of the “Barbra and Me” Foundation, saw a picture of Scherry – a dog with sad eyes, crying in a shelter – he immediately knew he had to act. He traveled hundreds of kilometers to embrace her cowering figure, in which he was supported by Mrs. Dorota W. Today, Scherry is a symbol of transformation and hope, flourishing in her new, loving home, far from the shadows of the past.


Jan Rybak, the founder of the “Barbra and Me” foundation, undertook the challenging mission of rescuing a dog named Jimmy, who had been abandoned by someone. Jan traveled 1500 kilometers to save him. His dedication and determination in the act of rescuing Jimmy are a touching example of his commitment to helping animals in need.


Teodor, a hopeful little dog, was rescued by Jan Rybak, the founder of the “Barbra and Me” foundation. When a man mistreated Teodor during a walk with his child, Jan Rybak immediately intervened to save the poor dog. His heart full of love for animals and his dedication gave Teodor a new home and a chance at a happy life.


Jan Rybak, the founder of the “Barbra and Me” foundation, adopted a dog named Saba from a shelter, unfortunately, Saba had cancer and lived for only 9 days. Jan gave Saba 9 days of love and care, making her last days full of warmth and care. It’s a beautiful gesture of love for animals that will always be remembered.


Jan Rybak, the founder of the “Barbra and Me” foundation, took a brave step to rescue a dog named Mikki. This poor dog was abandoned on the street where children abused him by throwing stones at him. When he could no longer escape the violence, children even urinated on him. Jan Rybak stood up for Mikki, providing him with shelter and safety. It was an act of courage and compassion that changed the life of this unfortunate dog.