Aircraft Construction in Sonina

Aircraft Construction in Sonina

Model Building and Graduation Ceremony at the Primary School in Sonina – June 2023

June 2023 at the Primary School in Sonina was marked by an extraordinary event, in which students became young masters of model building. Photos from this period show the focused and engaged faces of children who, with precision and care, built models, transforming pieces of materials into small works of art. These moments, full of concentration and creativity, were a testament to how education can evolve into practical skills and the importance of developing passions from an early age.

The climax of this inspiring month was the diploma awarding ceremony, where each young modeler proudly received their well-deserved recognition for hard work and commitment. A five-second video captured during this event, though brief, is full of unforgettable emotions – the joyful faces of children celebrating their success surrounded by supportive teachers and families. These celebrations and moments of triumph were captured not only in photographs but also in the hearts of all those present.

The “Barbra and Me” Foundation, by supporting such activities, shows the importance of appreciating and celebrating the achievements of youth, which are not only proof of their skills but also an inspiration for others to boldly pursue their own dreams and ambitions.