Animal Assistance

Animal Assistance

We Cannot Remain Indifferent!

In a world that often turns a blind eye to the suffering of animals, we stand together to say: ENOUGH. Animals in Poland and around the world need our help, and education is the first step. The “Basia and I” Foundation, in partnership with the “Heart of the World” Foundation, is leading a crucial mission – we are introducing “Lessons of Love for Animals and Nature” into the hearts and minds of the youngest.

However, without financial support, we cannot expand our efforts to counteract the cruelty to animals that is a sad reality both in our country and beyond its borders. In Poland, where our actions are gaining momentum, we see an urgent need – homeless dogs and cats that reproduce uncontrollably, hungry and sick on the streets, can count on our help.

We appeal to you, people with great hearts, to sponsors and partners who want to make a real change. Help us teach children that empathy and respect for every living being is a value that should be instilled from the earliest years. We want our program to become a tool for shaping a future where no animal has to suffer in loneliness and oblivion.

We start in Poland, but our ambitions reach further. We dream of a world where every animal finds care and respect. Every donation brings us closer to our goal. Join us on this noble journey to create a world where animal welfare is a priority. Together, we can write a new chapter – a chapter full of hope, love, and care.

Warning: Graphic Content

We are confronted with a bitter truth – we can no longer remain indifferent to the suffering of animals that occurs right beside us. All too often, human cruelty remains unnoticed or ignored, and animals fall victim to it helplessly. At the “Basia and I” Foundation and the “Heart of the World” Foundation, we firmly say: “Enough!” – we cannot and will not pass by with our eyes closed.

Below are photos that may be extremely difficult to view. We wish to warn you that their content is graphic and may evoke strong emotions, especially in individuals with a sensitive psyche. We have decided to share them to fully illustrate the problem and the gravity of the situation we face every day.

These photos are a testament to a truth that cannot be ignored. They are a call to action – to protect those who cannot defend themselves. They show why our work is so important and why every form of support matters.

If you feel strong enough to confront this reality, we invite you to view the material. Let it be a reminder that our mission to fight for a better world for animals is needed now more than ever.