

Jan Rybak – Founder of the Barbra and Me Foundation
We Are All Capable of Great Deeds

Jan Rybak is an extraordinary individual whose life writes an incredible story of dedication to others. His biography is a mosaic of experiences, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped him into a man with a huge heart. Determined to turn every adversity into another step towards helping others, Jan devotes himself to the idea of social service, deeply believing that the true meaning of life lies in helping others. His guiding motto, ‘We Are All Capable of Great Deeds’, is not an empty slogan but a daily lived credo that inspires and mobilizes colleagues and everyone fortunate enough to meet him. Through his actions, Jan Rybak constantly reminds us that each of us has the potential to make changes that can bring good on a large scale.

Philipp Vanmontfort
Small Gestures, Big Changes

Philipp Vanmontfort, with years of experience in project management and general management in leading construction companies, currently shares his knowledge and skills as a lecturer in the Construction department at PXL University College in Belgium. His commitment to developing young minds is equal to his passion for making changes – he lives by the principle of “Small Gestures, Big Changes”, demonstrating his belief that every action, regardless of its scale, has the power to transform the lives of others. At the PXL Research Centre, as a researcher, he focuses on sustainable development and circularity in construction, showing that professional pursuits can be aligned with a personal commitment to creating a better tomorrow. His participation in the Erasmus+ Sustainabuild project, undertaken in collaboration with partners from Denmark, Finland, and Spain, reflects the spirit of international cooperation and the pursuit of excellence, which are also at the heart of the foundation. Philipp is not just a collaborator but the beating heart of the foundation, embodying in practice the belief that empathy and commitment are the strongest foundations for building both lasting structures and a better future for communities around the world.

Ihor Khymych
Children Are Our Future

Ihor Khymych, a man with an unshakable belief that every child is a promise of tomorrow, lives and acts under the motto: ‘Children Are Our Future’. His commitment to creating a better world for the youngest knows no bounds. It is he, in his daily dedication to working with young minds, who lays the foundations for a future where every child has the chance to spread their wings. Ihor, as a guardian and creator of a better future, constantly reminds us that what we sow in the hearts of children will grow into an adulthood that can reshape our world anew.

Catherine Marie Marx
Do Something Today That You Will Be Proud of Tomorrow!

In the team of the “Basia and I” Foundation, Catherine Marie Marx holds a unique place. Her photograph in a nurse’s uniform is more than a portrait – it’s a symbol of dedication and warmth that she brings every day to both patients and animals in need.

Catherine lives by the principle that every good deed is reflected in the future. “Do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow” is the motto that guides her actions and helps shape the activities of the foundation.

Her presence in our team is not just professional support but also a daily inspiration to give our all. We invite you to get to know Catherine and join us in our mission to help others – side by side, day by day.

Our Mentors

Who with their passion and commitment have made an invaluable contribution to the activities of our foundation. Their presence and work have set the course that we follow to this day. Although they are no longer with us, their spirit and achievements continue to inspire us every day. The memory of their contribution to our common cause is as enduring as the changes we have been able to implement thanks to them. The legacy of their kindness, determination, and generosity will remain with us forever.

Barbara Rybak
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World


Barbara, for whom the motto ‘Be the Change You Wish to See in the World’ has become a life creed, continuously proves that true strength lies in bringing light to where darkness prevails. With unwavering determination and warmth that kindles the hopes and dreams of the youth, Basia is a living example that every heart daring to love can ignite a flame of change that will shine brightly against all storms. Her relentless passion and love for scouting is a spark that turns into a fire, inspiring and leading young people on the path to the fullness of humanity.

Josef Wimmer
The Sky Is Not the Limit, But the Beginning

osef Wimmer, the spiritual mentor of the ‘Barbra and Me’ Foundation, lived by the principle: ‘The sky is not the limit, but the beginning’. His absence among us is felt, but the legacy of his teachings and inspirations continues to guide our hands and hearts. In every model we create, there is a part of his genius, in every success – an echo of his passion. His masterpiece, triumphant at the Leonardo Da Vinci competitions, remains a symbol of what we can achieve when we reach for the stars. May the memory of Josef Wimmer be a lighthouse for our aero-modellers, leading through the unknown to the limitless possibilities of the skies.