A Few Words About Basia

A Few Words About Basia

Barbara Rybak, whose name is inseparably connected to the foundations of the ‘Barbra and Me’ Foundation, was not only the twin sister of the founder, Jan Rybak, but above all a muse and inspiration that ignited in him the flame to help others. Her life path, from her studies to her involvement in scouting, paints a picture of a woman for whom the ideals of service and brotherhood were not empty words, but concrete actions. Already at a young age, her enthusiasm for organizing camps, bivouacs, and numerous attractions for young scouts illuminated the path to self-improvement and active participation in social life.

Basia, though she has passed away, left behind not only memories but a lasting example to follow. Her extraordinary ability to touch hearts and minds through shared scouting adventures, as well as her work with the youngest, where she shaped minds and characters, was a living testament to her deep passion for education and development. It was these values that Jan Rybak transformed into the activities of the foundation, turning sisterly dreams of a better world into reality. ‘Barbra and Me’ thus became not only a tribute to her but, above all, a continuation of her work – a work full of love, care, and unwavering faith in the potential that lies in every child.

“A child’s smile is
the greatest thank you”

Jan Rybak, the founder of the ‘Barbra and Me’ Foundation, speaks words that reflect his feelings and the continuation of his sister’s mission:

Basia gave her heart to the children, leaving a piece of herself in each of us. Her legacy is the compass that guides the actions of the foundation. It is to her that I dedicate ‘Barbra and Me’ and her work that I nurture – so that her light never fades.